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University Senate passes new AIMS major

Jenn Smola, Campus Editor

In the Miami University Senate meeting Monday, Senate approved the creation of a new degree program as well as a proposed repeat course policy.

The Senate approved the creation of a new Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Media as part of the Armstrong Interactive Media Studies (AIMS) Program.

"We've had a lot of requests for a standalone major in this area of interactive media," Peg Faimon, AIMS co-director said. Faimon also said no new faculty, facilities or funding will be required for the major.

The Senate also approved a proposal for a new repeat course policy from the Academic Policy Committee.

According to Marketing Professor Maria Cronley, the current policy is if a student has not received credit for a class, he or she could retake it. Additionally, a student can repeat a course once if he or she has received credit for it, but the hours would only count once towards graduation and both grades are figured into the student's grade point average.

The new policy proposes that after the Fall 2012 semester, a student may repeat up to eight credit hours within their first 64 hours at Miami as a way for incoming students to adjust to the rigor of college academics.

The senate approved recommendations from the Awards and Recommendations Committee involving minor changes to the guidelines for distinguished professor awards.

The senate also approved minor changes to the senate's standing rules regarding election procedures and heard a review from the Budget Taskforce Technical Committee regarding the allocation of educational and general funds.

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