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Students protest to save Miami

Kathleen L. Sullivan, For The Miami Student

Rumored outsourcing of Miami University's Housing, Dining and Guest Services employees recently sparked student protest on Miami's campus.

"Our campus as we know it is too soon (to) be turned upside down," read fliers posted throughout the university. "Students, save Miami!"

The fliers come in response to weeks of uncertainty about whether or not jobs were to be outsourced to corporate venders or alternative venues.

According to Vice President of Finance and Business Services David Creamer, no decision has been reached.

"We are simply going through the evaluation," Creamer said. "We have made no decision, only evaluation."

According to Creamer, it will be very visible if any action occurs because the public will be informed of the announcement.

Many students have spoken out against the rumored outsourcing, forming groups and alliances.

Junior ElmerSmith, a student manager at Spring Street Market, doesn't understand why Miami would risk one of its top-rated services.

"Our housing and dining services are one of the top in the nation," he said. "Why would we get rid of it? It's like trading your star player, it doesn't make sense."

Smith is the creator of the Facebook group called SAVE MU FULL TIME JOBS, which currently has 1,082 members and a link to an online petition.

According to Smith, the group was created to protect the Miami experience.

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"You get close to people you work with," Smith said. "There's a connection. They're like friends and family."

Smith said the group was created to gain attention.

"It's the new age Tea Party sort of thing," Smith said.

Junior Liz Collins, a Harris Dining Hall employee, doesn't agree with the outsourcing of housing and dining jobs despite Miami's current budget crisis.

This comes in response to the Strategic Priorities Task Force recommendations to trim more than $40 million from the university's budget by 2015.

"I see where they're coming from, but I don't agree," Collins said.

Sophomore Vicky Perez, also a Harris Dining Hall employee, agreed with Smith.

"It puts a lot of pressure on us," Perez said, referring to the loss of current full-time employees.

Smith said Miami is sending mixed messages.

"Miami has a new slogan, ‘You belong here,' so let students and faculty know why," he said. "A lot of students have connected to (housing and dining) employees."

Fliers around campus are promoting a similar message.

"Special campus services on the Oxford campus that have added the touches of home and the human side to the Miami Experience," the flier said.

According to Smith, talks of demonstrations have been mentioned, as well as ideas for informative events.

Smith said multiple groups are working on the project to tackle the problem from all angles.