Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

William Kwan

Lauren Jamie, a senior arts managament and entrepreneurship major,  pictured studying abroad in Venice.

‘It’s a love that we all share’: Inside Miami’s study abroad program

Passion takes many forms. For Miami University, one of its forms is its study abroad program, ranked fourth in the nation for undergrads in public universities. From Miami’s campus in Luxembourg to faculty-led excursions to far-flung locations, the study abroad program offers many opportunities for students to immerse themselves in new learning environments.

At 8:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, dozens of people climbed the Yager Stadium bleachers to commemorate what first responders went through on 9/11.

2,200 steps of gratitude: Miami’s 9/11 commemoration

Blocking out the rising sun, Yager Stadium stretches out on the edge of Miami University’s campus. The bleachers and handrails, still slick from the morning dew and rain, glisten softly in the light as people slowly start the trek to the top of the stadium.

Poet Rita Dove visits Miami via Zoom to discuss her career and inspirations behind her poetry.

Buckeyes and Books: Conversations with Rita Dove

The buckeye. Ohio’s state tree inspired Miami University alumna Rita Dove, America's first Black Poet Laureate and winner of both the National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal. She found poetry in both the buckeye and a myriad of other earthy topics during “A Conversation with Rita Dove,” an event held on Miami’s campus on Thursday, April 25.