Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Venezia McHenry

Miami seniors will graduate on Saturday, May 17, at 10:30 a.m.

6 things you need to do before graduation

Graduation season is right around the corner, which means it is time to say goodbye to Miami University. Seniors will have their last exam, last dinner with their friends and last class with their favorite professor. They’ll walk across the stage to receive their diploma. 

New Dean of Education, Health, and Society Amity Noltemeyer.

The College of Education, Health and Society welcomes new dean

From the moment Amity Noltemeyer became a graduate student at Miami University, she felt a strong love for the community that always welcomed and supported her. After graduate school, she worked as a school psychologist in Northeast Ohio. After receiving her doctoral degree and finally returning to Miami as a faculty member, she was confident she could help the university reach its full potential.

First-year student Anna feels excited about her new life at Miami University, while her hallmates complain about their homesickness

Free from home

First-year student Anna listens to her hallmates whine about their homesickness, while she dreams about her future at Miami University

Miami fans cheer at a football game at Yager Stadium against the University of Cincinnati.

Women can actually be sports fans, too

Being a woman in sports, whether as a fan or as a player, is unnecessarily difficult. Women face an entirely different treatment than men, in unequal pay and training, fan merchandise and acceptance as a sports fan or player. 

Kelly Banks (left) interviews Carol Anderson (right) at the Freedom Summer Award ceremony.

Miami alumna to receive the annual Freedom Summer Award

Carol Anderson, a graduate of Miami University, a historian, author and educator at Emory University received this year’s Freedom Summer Award. Miami University created the award to honor and recognize champions of civil rights, social justice and equality, according to its website.