Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

The Editorial Board

Cook Field becomes filled with students when the spring semester starts warming up.

Miami: Where are your priorities?

We ask for more transparency from the university. Perhaps the university stands to benefit commercially from the arena, but we struggle to see how the benefit to students will outweigh taking away Cook Field and enduring years of construction in the center of campus. 

Miami's beautiful and iconic campus should be preserved for its aesthetics, and not desecrated for unnecessary new buildings.

Leave our campus alone

The Student's Editorial Board strongly opposes any plans to build over Cook Field or Slant Walk, two of Miami's most beloved outdoor spaces.

Five improvements the Miami community can make in 2024

The beginning of every new year is a time for New Year’s resolutions. It’s a time for people to think ahead and find ways to make their lives better, by being hopeful and optimistic about the future. In that spirit, The Miami Student editorial board has compiled a list of changes and improvements we hope to see implemented both by Miami University’s administration and by its student community throughout 2024.
