Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Skyler Black

Stories in seconds

 Some stories delve deeply into the lives of their subjects. Others seek to capture the human condition in just a few words. Modeled after journalist Brady Dennis’ 300 word stories that explore the unfiltered intimacy of the everyday, these pieces, written by first-year students, offer a glimpse into the untold experiences of college life.  

Spooky sustainability: Carving and composting

With low lighting and Halloween decor scattered about Peabody Hall 22, the atmosphere of the event was inviting and festive. Upon arrival, students were welcomed warmly by ZWO members and encouraged to carve one of the many pumpkins provided by the organization. Tables lined around the room, where attendees carved their pumpkins and conversed with each other about what they were going to create. 

Miami receives award for employing people with disabilities

Miami University received the 2019 Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Employer Partner of Inclusion Gold Award in September.  OOD is an organization based in Columbus that helps people with disabilities become employed and develop independence.  This is Miami’s second year receiving an OOD award. The university was given the Champion of Opportunity Award in 2017, which honored Miami’s effort to hire OOD job seekers particularly that year. 

RedHawk Ventures plans for $1.5 million fund

Miami’s student-led business organization RedHawk Ventures announced in early August plans to raise a $1.5 million fund this school year. RedHawk Ventures allows students to invest in start-up businesses, helping them get off the ground using venture capital (the practice of funding early stage firms based on high growth potential).
