Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Shannon Mahoney

A student sits in the Tech Support Lounge, which replaced Cafe Lux at the beginning of the year.

Workday begins its second phase

After more than six months of using Workday for human resources and payroll, Miami University is beginning its second phase of the Workday transition from BannerWeb and Buyway.

Journalism Professor Rosemary Pennington works on grading student assignments in her office.

New course load requirements for professors raise concerns among faculty

 Miami University released new course load requirements to its professors on Dec. 3, 2024. The requirements are calculated based on the workload equivalent (WLE) system used previously. However, the revised requirements, which would go into effect fall of 2025, would increase the number of courses for most professors. 

A ‘heads-up’ would’ve been nice

Miami University can cancel classes if there are not enough people registered, but they don't tell students. Opinion writer Shannon Mahoney suffered through this pitfall and has advice for Miami.