Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Sam Iammarino

Miami profs compare and contrast historic revolutions

Students, faculty, and others struggled to find a seat on Thursday, March 30, for the History Department's signature event of the year: Soviets, Sans-Culottes and Zapatistas. Featuring multiple guest speakers, the event looked at the effects the French, Mexican and Russian Revolutions had on society and their significance to modern life.

ASG passes Food Institute, livestream bills

During their most recent weekly session on Feb. 28, ASG Senate approved a senate resolution which creates a task force to act as a liaison between Dining Services and Miami University's Institute for Food. The resolution was introduced in order to ensure that both the institute and dining services were on the same page concerning the sale and distribution of the Food Institute's produce and to eliminate any miscommunication between the two organizations.
