Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Max Davis

Before the mountains

On a cold evening in February, my friend Jack and I took one of our frequent late night walks that are often catalyzed by some emotional trauma. Tonight, however, the walk was to just get out. We sped from Elliott Hall down to Peffer Park, snipped off the end of fresh cigar, took a light to it and caught up. Jack had finally started dating this dynamite chick, Lindsay, and he was over the moon. We eventually made our way Uptown, to meet up with some of my friends at Cellar.

Photo courtesy of Max Davis

Intramural Hustle: Part II - Club Lacrosse

In the newest rendition of intramural hustle, we move away from the intramural fields and over to their sexy next door neighbor, club sports. Club sports athletes gracefully walk that fine line between too good for intramural, and not quite good enough for varsity. These athletes remind us everyday that mediocrity does indeed come at different levels.

Angelo Gelfuso - The Miami Student

Miami Collegiate team skates into second place

To cap off the month of February, Miami's Synchronized Skating team competed on the national stage at the U.S. National Championships in Rockford, IL. The group of 52 athletes split among three teams represented Miami in the Collegiate and Senior divisions of the competition. Teams compete in either long or short programs within the divisions, and these programs differ by duration and number of required elements.

The Band of the Brotherhood -- The Heart of Goggin

Upon the end of a busy academic week, each student decompresses in their own way (some legal, others not). For many, weekends in October to March are for one thing: hockey. Fans make their way to Goggin in droves to watch our beloved RedHawks, ready to scream their heads off cheering. Students and locals pack into the arena, and are led in cheers by the one and only Band of the Brotherhood -- Miami's Pep Band.

Image provided by Max Davis

Intramural Hustle: Part 1

In high school, we were all told that if we worked hard, stayed late and played well, we would have a chance to earn a coveted scholarship to a school that had Division I teams. Some of us did achieve this through countless hours spent in the gym and on the field, but an overwhelming majority of us did not (and carry immense amounts of jealousy for those that did).

Super Bowl Ads: Winners, Losers and Everything In-between

Coming in at about $5 Million for one 30-second spot, the Super Bowl provides a platform to large businesses to showcase their advertising talent. Businesses look to draw huge crowds to their sites and stores through small ads that draw all sorts of reactions. The competition this year for best ad will be stiff, so instead we put together a list of ads organized by their most fitting superlative. If you have any disagreements with our choices, or have a list of your own, feel free to reach out to me!
