Democrats, what do you stand for?
By Landon Morrison | 13 hours agoThe 2024 presidential election showed us one thing: the Democrats have an identity crisis.
The 2024 presidential election showed us one thing: the Democrats have an identity crisis.
The easiest way to answer why my style is preppy is because it's timeless, versatile and it’ll never go out of style. I always stick with polo and khakis, rugby and sweats and loafers and jeans. Preppy combinations are in your favor for every occasion of life.
Many retailers, such as my closet staple, J.Crew, were at death’s door as the pandemic was beginning. Now, many mall brands have entered their own renaissance to compete with fast fashion and are doing it very well.
Fashion organizations continue to be the largest and most diverse groups on Miami University’s campus.
Those days are far behind me now, waking up at noon (most days) and now, my mom wears her slippers to her home office. But my mom’s business-wear will always stay in my memories.