Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Kate Stumph

Love, Honor, and Title IX

We must show love to the survivors of sexual violence, and it’s time we honor and respect their truth. At a University that showcases pride in their students, we should extend that pride to our students in need. 

Sisterhood shouldn't be so stressful

And though fraternity hazing is publicly criticized for its outward displays of toxic masculinity and violence, sorority recruitment acts as an alternative form of hazing plagued by toxic and detrimental female stereotypes.

The weight of our society's words

As far back as I can remember, I’ve struggled to accept my body.  I remember being no older than 11 and begging my mom not to make me go into the Macy’s dressing room. I hated playing with Barbies. I envied the girls who could fit into Abercrombie and Fitch and Lululemon.  I went to an affluent private school in a conservative area, one that emphasized perfection in all aspects, including personal appearance.  As an overweight theatre kid, I felt I didn’t make the cut.

The major change

It’s a go-to question at everything from college orientation to the Thanksgiving dinner table.  “What’s your major?” And, for the longest time, my answer was simple: “biochemistry and pre-med.” 
