Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Kasey Turman

Inside Hollywood students pose for a picture after walking through a smoke-filled Los Angeles on Jan. 8.

Los Angeles wildfires force Miami students to evacuate

Fires rage, with high winds helping the flames spread and set everything in their path ablaze. Los Angeles citizens’ houses and livelihoods are being burnt to the ground, and in the middle of it all is a group of Miami University students.

The hidden support for Miami football 1,700 miles away

Fans who watch the Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl on TV will see their favorite players on the field, the band playing the fight song in the stands and cheerleaders and spirit squads supporting on the sidelines. What they won’t see are the long flights, adjusted holiday plans and parents who came with the students and the sacrifices they made to get to Tucson.