Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Grace Grover

Secretary of the Treasury Hunter Rode presents the Internal Operating Budget (IOB) for the spring semester to senators.

ASG debates Internal Operating Budget items

Miami University’s Associated Student Government (ASG) discussed its Internal Operating Budget (IOB) and denied certain funding for the spring semester during its meeting on Feb. 25. Senators also listened to a presentation on sustainability at Miami and elected a new parliamentarian. 

Randi Thomas, a member of Miami’s Governmental Relations Network (GRN), reads the provisions of Ohio Senate Bill 1, which will impact higher education if passed.

ASG passes a nonpartisanship amendment to a student body vote, learns about S.B. 1

Miami University’s Associated Student Government (ASG) moved a constitutional amendment about nonpartisanship forward to a student body vote during the first meeting of the semester on Feb. 18. Senators also listened to a presentation on Senate Bill 1 (S.B. 1), which if passed, will restrict faculty and staff in higher education, among other things.  

Members of Miami University’s Administrative Board hold a panel to discuss a range of issues that affect students.

Miami’s administration board discuss Miami’s future in the MAC

Miami University’s Associated Student Government (ASG) heard from members of the administration board during its weekly meeting on Oct. 1. admin members discussed the credit-hour cap, increasing mental health awareness, student accessibility resources and Miami’s future in the Mid-American Conference (MAC). Senators also went through voter registration training.

Speaker Pro Tempore Nick Barry provides a presentation on ethical communication train to members of ASG during their weekly meeting on Sept. 23 in the Joslin Senate Chamber.

Miami’s student body president and vice president discuss plans for the accessibility map

Student Body President (SBP) Will Brinley and Student Body Vice President (SBVP) Babs Dwyer introduced themselves to new members of Miami University’s Associated Student Government (ASG) on Sept. 23. They talked about raising awareness around mental health, bringing together students from different backgrounds and the future of the accessibility map they proposed during their campaign.