Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Gina Roth

Author Gina Roth makes pancakes at her job in the Western Center, which holds the independent studies major. Photo provided by Gina Roth

Green Beer Day blues

Author Gina Roth is a senior who has never participated in Green Beer Day and wonders if it's really worth it this year

Oxford Police respond to an accident on the corner of Spring and South Campus.

Watch where you’re going

Opinion writer Gina Roth has enjoyed the walkability of Miami's campus. But is staying in designated crosswalks enough to keep me safe? Not anymore.

Voters head into the Marcum hotel to cast their ballots on Election Day.

Not voting: The real loser

 This may have been your last chance, and you wasted it. Yes, I’m talking to you. If you chose not to vote, that is. 

Youtubers Dan and Phil entertained audiences with a two-act show.

Dan and Phil’s terrible tour is anything but terrible

The theater was constantly erupting into screams, and at the times when the merch table was open, the line snaked all throughout the theater, winding around seats and the stage. Everyone wanted to get a “Dan and Phil made me Gay and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt” shirt, me included.

The upcoming election has swept through Miami's campus, dominating TV, social media and conversations amongst students.

How Miami students have reacted to the upcoming election

The upcoming election has seeped into the everyday lives of students, whether that’s seeing a political ad while watching TV or they’re walking to class and seeing yard signs. With many important issues both nationally and locally, it’s hard to escape politics. How are students navigating this election?

SOPHIE's first and final posthumous album was released on Sept. 27. Staff Writer Gina Roth is not impressed.

Hyper-fail: SOPHIE’s posthumous album is a flop

The entire album feels disingenuous and just an excuse for artists to put their name on a track next to SOPHIE, especially due to her status as a trans icon. SOPHIE has been inspiring trans artists to make music in the hyperpop space. The album should have never been released, and it feels disrespectful to her legacy.