Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Ellen Long

Visitors to the festival explore the large jewelry selection.

Oxford’s 59th annual Apple Butter Festival

The 59th annual Apple Butter Festival took place over the weekend of Oct. 5 and 6. The festival was held at the Doty Family homestead. Families and college students alike enjoyed the sunny weather and fun fall activities. 

Each Saturday, Miami students enrolled in ART 495 become instructors for art of all kinds to people of all ages.

PHOTOS: ‘Saturday Art’ students exhibit their work

Miami students enrolled in ART 495, commonly referred to as “Saturday Art,” curated a show of their students' artwork from the past semester. ART 495 is composed of 12-15 Miami students who are divided into pairs or trios to teach a specific age group over the course of a semester. Age groups ranged from pre-K all the way to adults.