Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Sixth Miami student dies unexpectedly

Katie Taylor, Editor in Chief

Miami University sophomore Andrew Dalton Salsman died unexpectedly Dec. 16, according to a statement released by Interim Dean of Students Mike Curme. His passing marks the sixth student death in the past year.

Curme said Salsman's mother informed Miami of her son's death, which occurred off campus. 

A physics and mathematics major, Salsman worked as a research assistant at Miami after receiving a physics department scholarship.

His memorial will be held Dec. 28 at Life Church Cincy, 270 Northland Blvd. Suite 316, Springdale, Ohio.

Donations can be made to the Andrew Dalton Salsman Memorial Fund through any PNC bank branch. The money raised will be used to provide scholarships for high school students pursuing the sciences.

More information to come.