Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



For You Page Fashion

In fashion, you want to look different, and to stand out from the crowd with your own unique style. Rejecting mainstream fashion and “basic” style trends is often a complex that afflicts the fashion-forward.  


Check yourself

But good news — if you’re a trendwatcher or looking to be a trendsetter, checkered patterns are about to be everywhere this spring. And the best part about this trend is that you can find checkers and gingham at almost any thrift store. 


Look fly while you fly

I put time and effort into my airport outfits. I always have. The night before my flight, I lay it out down to the socks and underwear at the foot of my bed like I did on nights before field trips in elementary school. 

Kiki not only labors to provide quality cuts, she tries to connect with her customers as well. Photo by David Kwiatkowski.

Kiki the barber: Trimming with confidence

Juiquetta Harmon, aka Kiki the Barber, has been cutting hair ever since her dad suffered a stroke in 1998 and she had to shave his head for him. Up until then, Harmon had been working with troubled teens and for in-home health companies. It was never her intention to cut hair for a living until one of her friends gave Harmon a moment of clarity.  


Versace Spring 2021: Diversity, CGI and Starfish

“I think the fashion industry is making great strides when it comes to the diversification of their models and the people they represent on the runway and in print,” she said. “I think we have a long way to go, but I believe the industry is definitely heading in the right direction.”


A year of wear: why I quit buying clothes

I took a year off from buying any clothing, new or used. And what came out of it was a deeper appreciation for fashion as an art form and a more personal relationship with the clothes I already had. All without spending a penny.


Treating Every Dinner like a Themed Party for a Week

Don’t let all of your beautiful going out clothes waste away in your closet. Quarantine sucks, but eating chicken with your family is way less annoying when you look fly. Give yourself any excuse to look dope during this time, because it made me feel a whole lot better than I did when I was chilling in my sweatpants all day. 


My wardrobe is six hours away

Once I got home, I didn’t unpack right away. Hello again, denial. What was the point in unpacking a suitcase I’d be repacking in a week or two?  You know where this story is going. 


Dressing to face the great indoors

Life under quarantine has done treacherous things to our clothing rotations. Putting together an outfit that I couldn’t go to bed in just seems wrong to me right now, and even thinking about putting on a pair of jeans feels physically repulsive. 

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The Close of my High Street Runway Career

So, after orientation, I began my shopping search that summer by taking things in a new direction. I looked for outfits I never got to wear in high school: crop tops my dad told me not to walk out of the house in.


The show must go on: MUF&D plans alternative to annual runway show

Miami University Fashion & Design (MUF&D) is the largest student organization on campus, hosting more than 40 events each year. Among these events is the annual fashion show: its largest and most popular occasion. Produced every spring, the event showcases the year’s hard work by putting together one of the largest student-run fashion shows in the nation. With the announcement of classes going remote for the remainder of the semester, MUF&D executive board members had to decide what to do, with their 14th annual show only a month away.

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