Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Lil B and Miami discuss admissions on Twitter

Brandon McCartney -- also known as Lil B or The BasedGod, a rapper and social media personality in Berkeley, CA -- is considering Miami as he starts his college search. The performer is seeking programs in science, biology and neuroscience.


A slice of science news

Cell Phones and Sunrises: Cities are perpetually ablaze with activity, suggesting that humans are less influenced by Earth's light-dark cycle than we used to be. However, a new study from Aalto University in Finland that analyzes the cellphone call records of over one million people claims otherwise; researchers found cell phone activity grew longer and shorter over the course of the year, waxing and waning with the amount of daylight. Shifts in call records correlated closely with seasonal shifts in light. Over the course of 3-4 months, the latest call times crept later while the earliest call times grew earlier. The peak calling periods changed in the same pattern as well: the morning peak moved earlier, the evening peak later. Does the timing of the sunrise and sunset affect our circadian rhythms in a way that is visible in cell phone records? The study could provide further evidence that the chemicals that govern our bodies' internal clocks are linked to Earth's orbit and the sun's daily ascent and descent.


Misophonia: Little sounds, large reaction

There's the old adage of nails on a chalkboard. Everyone who hears this sound hates it, but what if the annoyance was more pervasive than that? What if hearing nails on a chalkboard caused someone to become so irrationally irritated that they couldn't control it? What if it made them scream for hours on end? What if it caused them physical pain?


Scholars conduct summer research

If you were to ask senior Jada Harris what she did over the summer, she would say that she wrote a play: a play that will, hopefully, be performed as part of the Independent Artists Series on Miami University's campus in the spring.


Gates' Goalkeepers report: Taking the pulse of health news

Midterms may be gradually approaching on campus, but in the global health arena, a report card has already been issued. Bill and Melinda Gates presented their foundation's assessment of the world's progress in addressing health and poverty to the United Nations General Assembly this past week. Various health indicators were assessed including child and maternal mortality, stunted growth, malaria, vaccine use and HIV/AIDS.

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