Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


Voters show up to Kramer Elementary School, one of the three polling locations, to vote on items such as Oxford City Council seats and Issues 1 and 2.

Voters decide on abortion rights, marijuana and local races in Oxford

Today is Election Day in Oxford, and voters are turning out across three polling locations: the Marcum Hotel and Conference Center, Talawanda High School and Kramer Elementary School. On the local ballot this year are three seats on Oxford City Council, one Oxford Township Trustee position and three seats on the Talawanda School Board as well as Issues 1 and 2.

Even if Issue 2 is passed, vape shops may not receive proper licensing to sell cannabis products.

Issue 2: 17 local vape shops and what it means for Oxford

Ohio’s upcoming general election features Issue 2 on the ballot which, if passed, would legalize the recreational use of marijuana for Ohio residents over the age of 21. However, the addition of recreational marijuana dispensaries likely won’t impact Oxford's 17 vape shops. 

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