Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Stories in seconds: taking it to the streets

Some stories delve deeply into the lives of their subjects. Others seek to capture the human condition in just a few words. Modeled after journalist Brady Dennis’ 300 word stories that explore the unfiltered intimacy of the everyday, these pieces offer a glimpse into the untold experiences of Oxford life. 

 The Butler County Board of Elections has averaged 2,000 early voters every day so far as election day approaches.

Early voting is under way in Butler County

 It is misting and gray at the Oxford Senior Center. A sign on the front door of the building reads ‘locked because of COVID-19.’ Shanna Cianchetti, the driver of the senior center’s early voting shuttle bus, leads passengers through the parking lot — braving the faint drizzle — to one of the shuttles.  

For the past several presidential election cycles, Oxford has been a blue city surrounded by a sea of red.

Blue city, red county

Though Miami University carries a reputation of being relatively conservative, Oxford has been a small blue bubble in an overwhelmingly red county for the past several elections.

First time and experienced voters share similar concerns about the upcoming presidental election.

Oxford preparing for unprecedented election

In the face of a pandemic, the Butler County Board of Elections and local political organizations have both been working to allow Oxford residents to vote as safely and efficiently as possible this coming November. 

COP program gives Miami students the opportunity to patrol the city in a decommissioned police car for internship credit.

To snitch or not to snitch?

Turning in other students to the Oxford Police Department (OPD) or the university, or “snitching,” is becoming more common around Oxford, with the desire to limit the spread of COVID-19 being a driving factor in many of these situations.

Residence halls implement new COVID-19 color coding system to track the spread of the virus.

Ten Miami students test positive for COVID-19

Miami University President Greg Crawford announced that 10 students and two employees have tested positive for COVID-19 since the start of the school year. In an email sent to the Miami community on Friday, Aug. 21, Crawford wrote that the positive tests occurred on Miami’s Oxford campus. 

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