Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Open letter to President Hodge: Miami needs to step up to improve reception of international students

We, the undersigned faculty of the Asian and Asian American Studies Program and other concerned faculty, staff and students at Miami University, unequivocally disagree with the anonymous faculty member who wrote the opinion piece, "Admitting international students for the wrong reasons brings down the university," published on Nov. 4, 2014, in The Miami Student. We also join our colleagues in the English Department and other Miami faculty, staff, students and alumni, to express our enthusiastic support for all international students, whom we see as an invaluable resource for a university committed to offering a global education based on four principles: thinking critically, understanding contexts, engaging with other learners and reflecting and acting. However, international students face many challenges that need to be addressed in order for their skills, experiences and backgrounds to be fully realized for all members of Miami, and for them to be welcomed as full Miamians.


Faculty members disagree with anonymous letter

As faculty and administrators involved in English language instruction, we strongly disagree with the opinion piece published on November 4, 2014, "Admitting international students for the wrong reasons," which unfairly and inaccurately characterizes international students as "academically unqualified."

Police are investigating swastikas and antisemitic posters found in the Miami University's campus.

The Miami Student’s response to the bomb threat showed a lack of initiative in writers

I am an alumnus of the Student and of WMSR. I now am an employee of a well respected, national, news organization ... and although I work in sports, I still am routinely searching for stories in order to break news, and also gained hard news experience by assisting more seasoned reporters on coverage in Ferguson, and subsequently Shaw, Missouri. When someone won't answer my questions (particularly in a situation like Ferguson/Hughes Hall bomb threat), that is not an infringement of freedom of the press ... that means I am just not asking the right people, which is why the editorial on the bomb threats at Hughes Hall was so UTTERLY disappointing.

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