Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Call and response: discussing the decision to run an anonymous letter

As a journalist for 15 years and as a teacher of journalism at Southern Illinois University and Miami University for more than 25 years, I believe I have the expertise to comment on The Miami Student's decision to publish an anonymous letter that, to me, seemed a blanket condemnation of international students, particularly those from China.


The value of higher education isn’t about practicality

My freshman year of high school was the first time that the concept of "college" became less of a concept and more of an eventual reality. It was a time of slacking on Geometry homework in order to make room for dizzying amounts of Google searches, taking random online quizzes to try and pinpoint the ideal campus for myself based on questions like "What's your favorite color?" or "What is your household's average annual income?" However, perhaps the most troubling discovery of all was learning about the dreaded undergraduate major.


What Miami’s identity means for regional campus students

What do the Middletown and Hamilton campuses look like? What kinds of courses are taught there? Have you ever met a Middletown or Hamilton student? I have been a student at Miami Oxford for all of one semester, so you may assign appropriate weight to my comments, but I would assume 90 percent of Oxford students have never even seen the Middletown or Hamilton campuses, let alone met a student or taken a class at either of these campuses.

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