Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



The complicated nature of white identity

What makes a person "white?" For minorities, like myself, the idea of a monolithic characteristic called whiteness is all too real. Whiteness in the U.S. can be defined as a social system through which the presence of phenotypic characteristics which are characteristically European allows for an artificial or undeserved sense of superiority and elevated social standing. This definition of whiteness is of course only one of many, and as the issue has been discussed more openly in the public forum with the proliferation of identity-centered politics and the increased visibility of racist hate groups, the public consciousness has never been more divided regarding what it means to be white.


Welcome, Class of 2021

The following piece, written by the editorial editors, reflects the majority opinion of the editorial board.


The truth behind the perfect couple

He did not hit me. He was not a physically abusive boyfriend. It was his words. It was what I allowed, and what he did not. It was stalking my social media to ensure that I truly went to bed. It was refusing and crying three times when I wanted to break up. It was criticizing my morals if they did not fit with his. It was shaming my choice of friends and who I was texting, but feeling no regret when he deleted messages from female classmates. He did not hit me, but he left so many bruises.


Be prepared to talk American politics in Europe

A couple weeks ago, on my way back from the Luxembourg campus, I encountered a group of teenagers in a gazebo adjacent to my house. These teenagers are Luxembourgish degenerates. They worship Machine Gun Kelly, party in parks and none of them are in school nor working. This motley group drew me into conversation; I live in a small town and the sight of another teenager surprised them. They were clearly engaged in nefarious activities; bottles were strewn everywhere and the smell of smoke was in the air. After assuring them that no, I'm not a cop, I'm an American, we started talking. One of the first questions asked by a Luxembourgish miscreant was how I viewed Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's healthcare legislation. This was an introduction to the amazing American political fluency exhibited by many Europeans.

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