ASG condom decision: Inconceivable to do anything else
By Opinion Editors | October 24, 2017The following reflects the majority opinion of the editorial board.
The following reflects the majority opinion of the editorial board.
As it was once written by Benjamin Franklin, "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"
Jill Teitelbaum, guest columnist
Another day, another mass shooting ...
The following reflects the majority opinion of the editorial board.
Luke Schroeder, columnist
Kirby Davis, Entertainment Editor
The following reflects the majority opinion of the editorial board.
Lukas Schroeder, Columnist
The first weekend I was on campus this year I got a call from a friend saying that she wanted company because she had been drinking and her roommate had not moved in yet. I ran to her dorm, and when I saw how intoxicated she was, I panicked and ended up calling the Miami Police under the assumption that it would be considered a Good Samaritan call.
Charles Kennick, The Miami Student
Are we all moving along with business-as-usual following the Las Vegas massacre? Are we at all concerned about the safety of our loved ones? If not, then we might as well consider that we are the next victims of sniper fire as we go to work, to school, or to the grocery store.
Paolo Federico-O'Murchu, The Miami Student
The first thing I do when I wake up each morning is check my phone. Most days, I scroll through the usual memes on Twitter and open snaps from friends who unfortunately have to wake up much earlier than I do. However, waking up this Monday, I opened up one snap that sent a chill down my spine. "Holy shit, did you see what happened in Vegas"
Images via Creative Commons.