Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Hunter S. Thompson: "Too weird to live, too rare to die"

He was "too weird to live, too rare to die," but live he undeniably did, and death even he couldn't escape. Hunter S. Thompson was the drugged-out, sleep-deprived, counter culture icon America needed in its awkward, adolescent and spirited young adult phase. He's most widely remembered today for his intense originality, unyielding weirdness and humongous appetite for mind-altering substances. But what is so often lost in our retrospective gaze is just how damn fine a writer the man truly was.


Miami students should have greater choice on fees

One issue that galvanizes both sides of the political spectrum is the inflated cost of attending college. Although the cost of tuition along with room and board is far too high, the costs are a necessity for the vast majority of the student population. The expenditures that cannot be justified are exemplified through the exorbitant fee structure in place at Miami University.

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