Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Happiness: Fickle, but worth striving for

At the beginning of this year, a wise professor told my class that we need to prioritize physical health and mental wellness above all else, and the best way to achieve that is to subscribe to a systematic planner.


Large-scale political change starts with small-scale communities

It's no secret that the American people want change. For all the trouble and terror it's caused, our current political climate has sparked a longing for civic, healthy communities and less hostile hometown politics in the average American. Whether they want "the good old days," or a promise of "a new day on the horizon," every heart has its hopes for a better tomorrow. You can see these hopes in a neighbor's wave, a friend's face, a teacher's desperate lesson on civics.


Looks like it's gonna be another close SBP election

It's that time of the year again! If you're in a frat, sorority or student org -- or if you have looked up from your phone while walking past the Seal -- you might know that it's student body election season. There's also a good chance you have no clue that there's an election going on: 40 percent of our survey respondents didn't.


Attending church abroad: More museum than mass

The gray and blue stone shoots out over the tops of the uniform orange shingles of Bruges' buildings. Equally beautiful, yet somehow out of place, St. Salvator's Cathedral towers over the carefully crafted, old-timey Bruges like a grandfather sitting next to a 20-year-old with full makeup, striving to look old enough to get into a bar. The authenticity sometimes missing in the tourist packed streets oozes off of the cathedral.


Giving up social media, two weeks in

Lent, the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, is a time for fasting, abstaining from meat on Fridays and reflection. This introspection is supposed to come from giving up one thing you enjoy doing. This year, instead of my usual cop-out of giving up soda, I decided to tackle my worst millennial vice: social media addiction.


Direct response to hazing long overdue

Last week, Miami's Interfraternity Council (IFC) suspended all fraternity activity due to reports of hazing and enforced an early initiation deadline for all new fraternity members.


Facts first: the key to American democracy

A true democracy can only exist when voters are employing shared facts in their decision making. Democracies are designed for people to decide their representation through elections based on how candidates' positions agree with their own. Through this ingenious system, the government is composed of the intentions of the majority of the people. However, this can only work when people know the candidates' positions. That relies on facts, which are becoming maligned commodities.

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