Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Good Morning Miami: Navigating this unfamiliar chapter

Instead of being mere miles, or even steps, away from our friends, the coronavirus has sent us to all corners of the country and beyond. So actually, taking time zones into account, perhaps it’s afternoon for some of you. But nonetheless, good morning Miami, wherever you are.


We’re ready to have the talk, Miami. Are you?

We hope that Miami will make the class mandatory for sophomores, as we believe the university has a responsibility to provide students a comprehensive education that creates a culture of communication around sex and prioritizes students’ physical and emotional health. 


Solitude: Coming to a dining hall near you

Being by myself felt like I was behind the game. It felt embarrassing. But I reminded myself that, in reality, every new student had the same anxieties I did and were too busy worrying about themselves to even think about what I was doing.


Check your apathy at the door, and start giving a damn.

Our staff is disheartened by the apparent disinterest in leadership positions within the student body. It’s a reflection of the increase in both the political apathy demonstrated by the majority of the student body and Miami’s failure to emphasize civic responsibility in either academics or student life on campus. 


On my honor I will try … to serve capitalism?

Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Samoas, Shortbread. Need I go on? I don’t think I do, because you already know I’m talking about the sensational and seasonal treats that grace our cabinets in the springtime.  That’s right; Girl Scout Cookies.

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