Dear TMS … I love you :)
By Briah Lumpkins | March 11, 2022The Student created a space for my creativity to run wild, and through my work I was able to see tangible examples of how journalism was informing the community.
The Student created a space for my creativity to run wild, and through my work I was able to see tangible examples of how journalism was informing the community.
I was recently asked what being editor-in-chief has meant to me, and my answer was simple. Everything.
If you’ve ever read my columns, thank you. If it weren’t for you, everything I’ve published might've been compiled in a little pink diary.
The current market for cryptocurrency has boomed and in return ametuer investors, typically younger ones, have kicked off the lucrative industry in hopes of big returns.
We don’t know who we are anymore. We are constantly waiting for life to start, only to realize, it may never, and this is just it.
Not one moment before that did I feel more at peace with myself – like I was in full control of my being, my identity and my body. Never before did I truly feel that I had any control over how those around me actually saw me.
I’ve said before that there is beauty within grief. There is also joy within pain and love within loss.
I am, however, going to do my best to remember why I never liked this holiday in the first place, instead of focusing on the whole “newly single and annoyed at love” mindset.
The pandemic is not over. Every time we start telling people numbers are going down and that we can relax, people take their masks off and lose sight of what it actually means to go back to normal.
Don’t make this a war and waste tuition dollars battling a cause that aims to improve the student experience in the long run.
I was playing the comparison game with people I had never met before, and with the curated highlight reels they were posting. And I didn’t even catch on until a few days after I deleted the apps. I only noticed the voice when it stopped.
As happy as I get to see my family and friends, I’m always sad at the thought of leaving Oxford and living at home for weeks on end with not much to do.
And after my fall semester — the first academic semester in years where I wasn’t president of some club or editor of some publication — having the chance to slow down my schedule was life-changing.
As college students, it gets us through our classes, our all-nighters, our hangovers; we rely on that caffeine buzz for everything, but we shouldn’t feel bad about it, because bees do too.
Students are becoming careless about wearing masks inside campus buildings, most professors are allowing students fewer absences, surveillance testing has become optional and Miami University is set on having a “robust” semester.
Throughout the night, I kept hearing the same rumor: the only reason the leak was detected was because a student had a personal carbon monoxide detector, and Hillcrest didn’t actually have carbon monoxide detectors.
This case really captivated me and questioned my definition of morals and standards. To give false hope and inaccurate medical information to the sick and elderly is, in a word, evil.
Most college students are not ready to participate in large-scale global protests, but if we start by holding our own university accountable, the benefits will be immense.
Effortlessness can make you beautiful, sure, but it’s not fair to say that the only reason someone can be beautiful is if they are naturally model-pretty and picture-perfect all the time.