Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


Local asparagus pictured from large to small.

Your guide to Oxford’s asparagus varieties

Local asparagus has been spotted at Oxford Farmers Market. Shoppers quickly buy up the supply, so it’s important to arrive at the market around 9 a.m., when it opens,  in order to take advantage of this newly-stocked item. 

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Sexual assault: A continuing issue on campus

A Sept. 24 safety bulletin reporting a fondling incident marks the first of the semester related to sexual assault; a noticeable change from previous semesters when, at times, multiple sexual assault bulletins were sent out each week. 


5 Great Environmental E-Newsletters To Spice up Your Inbox

As busy college students, I’m sure our day to day email inboxes all look pretty similar- a slew of Canvas notifications, club meeting reminders, and campus updates. Naturally, sorting through all this mail to distinguish what’s important and what's not can be time consuming and frustrating. While email is a convenient and quick mode of communication, it has developed into a chore for many of us. 


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