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Poet Rita Dove visits Miami via Zoom to discuss her career and inspirations behind her poetry.

Buckeyes and Books: Conversations with Rita Dove

The buckeye. Ohio’s state tree inspired Miami University alumna Rita Dove, America's first Black Poet Laureate and winner of both the National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal. She found poetry in both the buckeye and a myriad of other earthy topics during “A Conversation with Rita Dove,” an event held on Miami’s campus on Thursday, April 25.

Former co-host of the Discovery Channel television series MythBusters Unchained Reaction, Adam Savage, speaks at Wilks Theater

Adam Savage captivates with stories of his winding career

 When Adam Savage walked on stage in the Wilks Theater in Armstrong Student Center at Miami University on Tuesday, the audience would’ve been satisfied if he talked about “Mythbusters” for an hour. Instead, Savage explained his treasure map of a career path while sprinkling in advice for the students in the crowd.

Senator Matthew Lodge introduces a resolution for ASG to recognize Education and Sharing day on April 19 to honor the work of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

ASG elects more cabinet members and passes three pieces of legislation

Senator Danny Martin ran uncontested and was elected secretary of on-campus affairs at the April 16 Associated Student Government (ASG) meeting. Joining via Zoom, Martin said he wants to follow the example of the current Secretary of On-Campus Affairs Grace Payne. Martin wants to work with Panhellenic more and make the recreation center hours more visible. 

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