Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


Due to new regulations passed in January 2023, some students may not be able to register to vote if they don't have an Ohio driver's license.

Regulations on voter access make it difficult for college students to cast their ballots this election

The November presidential election is nearly here. Miami University students may be voting early, sending in absentee ballots or preparing to go vote on election day. However, being on a college campus is not always convenient when it comes to voting. Throughout election history, the term “disenfranchised” has been used to describe people without the right to vote. Often, it references people who are legally unable to vote, but it has since expanded to include people who face obstacles preventing their ability to vote.

The upcoming election has swept through Miami's campus, dominating TV, social media and conversations amongst students.

How Miami students have reacted to the upcoming election

The upcoming election has seeped into the everyday lives of students, whether that’s seeing a political ad while watching TV or they’re walking to class and seeing yard signs. With many important issues both nationally and locally, it’s hard to escape politics. How are students navigating this election?

Left: Nancy Nix, Middle: Michael Gmoser, Right: Gregory Wilkens

3 Miami University alumni up for re-election

With less than two weeks left before the Nov. 5 election, voters can expect to see three Miami University alumni on the ballot running for public office in Butler County. Incumbents Michael Gmoser, Nancy Nix and Gregory Wilkens are looking to be reelected as county prosecutor, auditor and engineer, respectively. 

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