Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Letters To The Editor


To the Editor | Removal of political extremism is critical for country

While political differences are a constant and even valuable part of civic life, political extremism is an increasing and dangerous trend. Such extremism exists on both the left (e.g., Antifa-related violence at protests, attempts to prevent speakers such as Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos from talking on college campuses) and the right (e.g., the killing of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, voter suppression). This increased polarization is harmful as it divides our communities and makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to negotiate and solve our nation's challenges.


Letter to the Editor | Destigmatizing 'Disability'

Student Haillie Erhardt recently asked President Crawford and the Miami University community to consider changing the name of Student Disability Services (SDS) because of the stigma associated with using services from an office with the word "disability" in its name. While SDS and the Students with Disabilities Advisory Council (SDAC) honor Erhardt's commitment to an inclusive, just environment at Miami and affirm her observations about the stigma surrounding disability, we feel that removing "disability" from Student Disability Services would not be the best choice for the Miami community.

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