Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Calling All Brandons

Due to the popularization of the term, “Let’s Go Brandon,” Brandons worldwide have been feeling the impact of this phrase. Have you spoken to Brandon recently? If not, no need to fear. The Miami Student reporting team recently spoke to a few Brandons who had various feelings on the rise of  “Let's Go Brandon.” 


Confessions of a Floridian in Ohio

Here are all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask your gator-wrangling Floridian friend, answered by TMS’s resident Floridian — everything from alligators to Florida Man.


What Do Guys Look For in a Girl?

Another age old question finally revealed! Daring Humor Editor sends a secret agent into the wild of Miami’s campus to find the answer to one of life’s most burning questions.


What Do Girls Look For in a Guy?

A daring journalist from The Miami Student sets out into “The most beautiful campus there ever was…” in order to find the answer to one of life’s most burning questions…What Do Girls Look For in a Guy?


Stereotypical Brands of a Miami Student

Many of you are probably like me and wear some of these stereotypical brands wherever you may be on campus. Everyone loves a good pair of Lululemon leggings or GymShark shorts, right? If you will be offended by being called a stereotypical Miami student, don’t read this article. 

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