Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



The Necessity of Discomfort: Science and Sustainability in the 21st Century

What are you willing to give up for a living planet? What should we be willing to do to reverse the circumstances that have brought us to this point? What is all the worry about? These questions run the gamut of environmental thought today. The Al Gores of the world, liberal environmentalists, seem to think that just a reorganization of the current energy infrastructure into a "green and sustainable" one will allow us to continue "enjoying our standard of living." I used to believe that, but then I slowly realized it was just that -- a belief -- and not an understanding of the present situation. I wish to challenge this set of assumptions.


Vertical farming: A better option

We need to rethink industrialized factory farming and quick. The agricultural revolution boomed back in the 18th Century which allowed the industrial revolution to change the world we lived in. So, this is a good thing with more access to food, food produced on higher levels and a decline in world hunger, right?