‘Science saves lives’: Oxford’s local Stand Up for Science rally
By Venezia McHenry | 3 days agoA protest sweeping the nation found itself in Oxford, where Miami students, faculty and Oxford residents defended the pursuit and belief in science.
A protest sweeping the nation found itself in Oxford, where Miami students, faculty and Oxford residents defended the pursuit and belief in science.
Public transportation in Oxford is welcoming a new home base this fall. The Chestnut Street multimodal station seeks to connect transportation in Oxford.
Proposed Senate Bill 1 would restrict climate change discussions in university education. Assistant Campus and Community editor Parker Green urges Miami University and its students to stand against this legislation.
Cook Field sits along the edge of Miami University natural areas and Four Mile Creek. Proposed arena construction has the potential to significantly impact these green spaces.
Miami University’s Associated Student Government (ASG) discussed its Internal Operating Budget (IOB) and denied certain funding for the spring semester during its meeting on Feb. 25. Senators also listened to a presentation on sustainability at Miami and elected a new parliamentarian.
Sustainability can be seen campus wide at Miami University – from geothermal construction outside Millett, to posters announcing goals of carbon neutrality by 2040. The journey here was a long one, full of student and faculty activism.
When an exposed crude oil pipeline ran through Seven Mile Creek, endangering the well fields that supply Oxford's drinking water, groundwater protection manager Tim McLelland helped avert the potential disaster.
Miami University welcomes a new Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, Alex Miller. She aims to make sustainability a collaborative effort campus-wide.
From halftime performances with President Gregory Crawford to recycling bins used as instruments, Miami's recent men's basketball game was a showcase of local recycling efforts.
Oxford and Miami are home to multiple clubs dedicated to building habitats for wildlife to bolster local conservation efforts.
Miami's new campus construction is held to sustainable standards, as established by the LEED organization, but there is more than meets the eye as new buildings are raised and old buildings renovated.
With the semester in hindsight and winter break ahead comes another important time in many students’ lives: the holiday season. However, the holiday season brings with it an uptick in waste, and with Oxford’s Climate Action Plan, sustainability efforts are being highlighted for students and townspeople alike.
In the Hefner Museum basement, below taxidermied animals from across the world, a storage room houses a giant metal box, the inside containing the lifelong work of former Miami University biology professor Jack Vaughn: a collection of meticulously labeled and organized butterflies from all 50 states.
At its Nov. 19 meeting, Oxford City Council reviewed proposals for cutting the amount of convention tax funds from 100% to 50% given to “Enjoy Oxford.”
Deer populations in Miami University’s Natural Areas (MUNA) have skyrocketed in the past decades, and the forest can’t keep up.
Renowned biologist Joe Roman delivered the 50th annual Hefner Lecture on Thursday, Nov. 15, highlighting his research on the incredible impact that wild animals have in shaping our planet.
It was the first day of the fall semester of 1969, and Sharon Mitchell was running late for class. Over 50 years later, that lead to a $5 million dollar donation to Miami sustainability.
Still looking for classes to sign up for in the spring? We've got you covered with interesting and Miami Plan-filling classes about sustainability.
This week Miami’s Associated Student Government (ASG) is hosting its annual Sustainability Week. Learn more about the events going on around campus in this guide article.