Holy schnit!
By Devin Ankeney | April 29, 2022A night with half-priced schnitzel – and fantastic schnitzel at that – creates the perfect atmosphere for anyone looking to enjoy a nice night out with a healthy serving of hearty German food.
A night with half-priced schnitzel – and fantastic schnitzel at that – creates the perfect atmosphere for anyone looking to enjoy a nice night out with a healthy serving of hearty German food.
I promise you, Bell Tower Place needs very little overhauling. I think I speak on behalf of the student body when I say that we don’t want this campus’s favored dining hall to be changed or redone — we just want it to be open.
What drew me in was the promise of a 15-minute cheesesteak – for a college student, quicker is usually better, and a shorter cook time means a longer eat time.
Loyal consumer and Hot Pocket Activist, Harrison Crone proposes a solution to the love of his life, Nestlé, in order to fix the existential issue facing Hot Pockets everywhere.
Western Dining Commons was dominated by an atmosphere of growing chatter from a tucked away section just behind the check-in counter. The cause of the commotion: a newly reopened ice cream bar.
Over these two years [of eating in dining halls], I’ve procured many salads and rice bowls I’ve been proud of, but my own mind can only invent so many recipes, so this week I decided to recreate the beloved Fridge & Pantry (F&P) quinoa bowls.
You know what? I’m going to say it. King Café is the best coffee I’ve ever had.
I dragged one of my friends shopping with me for this dish, so it was only fair that she got to try it in the end. One of my roommates, who is notoriously mushroom-phobic, warily joined us, and the three of us had a hoisin mushroom bun party for dinner on Sunday night.
This empire state of mind in which I reside creates the jury in which I judge my peers. Today, I must crack down on the notion that High Street’s grab ‘n’ go, by-the-slice pizzeria, Bruno’s Pizza, is anything less than great.
A boiled Kenyan stew of sorts made out of all sorts of vegetables from beans to corn to peas, githeri first came into my life during my first J-term at Miami.
To help fellow pizza lovers decide where to order from, I’ve decided to rank all of Oxford’s pizzerias. For the sake of length, I’m not including any nationwide chains – only regional chains and local restaurants.
When I moved off-campus at the beginning of last semester, I was so excited to finally have my own kitchen. After two years of eating nothing but lukewarm carbs in the dining halls, I could bake treats and cook healthy (and varied) vegetarian meals to my heart’s content, and I promised myself that I would do just that.
By: Jackie Dutkanych
A California-founded electric scooter-powered startup, Snag, is populating the sidewalks and streets of Miami University with red-bag-bearing delivery drivers. With a promise of 10-minute delivery, these drivers rush to get convenience products to students.
To this day, I look forward to my bowl of chicken marsala while daydreaming about lunch in class. If you have not tried it yet, I could not recommend it more.
Given that I spent the vast majority of Valentine’s Days as a single woman, I never cared for the holiday much. It’s hard to be enthusiastic about a day where you’re constantly reminded of how lonely you are. Before I went to college, though, I did always have one part of the holiday to look forward to: the candy my mom would buy me.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, nationwide chains and local businesses alike are beginning to announce their annual specials for the holiday.
The contrast between the crunchy breading and the gooey melted cheese in a good mozzarella stick is a truly unrivaled experience. Sure, they’re bad for you (especially when cheese gives you debilitating stomach cramps), but unlike most other foods, they’re worth the calories.
Naturally, to live up to the American potato hype, I spent the last two days eating exclusively potatoes in an attempt to rank some of the city’s most signature spuds.
Despite all of the unpleasantries that my tumultuous freshman year at Miami entailed (online classes, political strife, getting hand sanitizer in my eyes when I’d go to wipe away my tears), there was one thing that always made my day just a little better: the dining hall desserts.