Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Words Matter: The Reality of Muslim-Americans

Roula Allouch sat behind a glass wall watching a focus group discuss their feelings on Muslim-Americans. She remembers the viscous words and proclamations of hate toward people of her faith. But when the group was made to watch a video on a Muslim speaker condemning violent actions often associated with Islam in the media, their words changed.


MUFD combines style and sustainability

Miami University Fashion and Design (MUFD) hosted their first clothing swap for non-members on Monday, Oct. 29. Attendees brought clothes they felt didn't suit them anymore in exchange for another attendee's, to refresh their wardrobe with equivalent pieces. Each attendee was granted a certain amount of tickets depending on how many items they brought in. Small items such as jewelry earned a participant one ticket, and larger clothing items traded for two or three tickets.


Giving 'Armchair Expert' a listen

If you've had the pleasure (or misfortune) of being my father, my friend, professor, friendly acquaintance or a straight up stranger I just met in the past four months, then you know how much I've been raving about Dax Shepard's podcast "Armchair Expert"

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