Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community

Party culture combined with a pressure to maintain a certain image worsen eating disorders at Miami.

Maintaining the ‘Miami image’: The reality of disordered eating at a party school

With the spread of unattainable body ideals across social media, there has been a rise in disordered eating behavior among college-age people. Miami students are feeling the impact, especially at an intersection with the university’s reputation as a party school. “I do think the label and the celebration of [disordered eating] is more common now,” Ward said, explaining that Miami has had the reputation of a party school as long as she has been teaching at the university.

Southern first-year students are excited and concerned about experiencing their first winter.

No coat? Big problem.

The snow started falling outside, and first-year Mango Lapack couldn’t contain their excitement. They went bursting out their dorm’s door to meet the delicate flakes falling to the ground.  Suddenly, the mood shifted as Lapack realized just how cold it was. All they had was a jean jacket and no winter coat. As they shivered their way back inside, Lapack made a mental note to buy a coat online when they got back to their room. 

Spectrum and the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion held a candlelight vigil to remember the lives of the at least 28 transgender people killed in 2019.

Students hold vigil to remember trans lives lost

Students circled around the seal, the candles in their hands illuminating their faces against the dark November night. The mood was somber, some people looking at the ground and others hugging their friends in acknowledgment of those they gathered to remember.  Spectrum and the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion co-sponsored a candlelight vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance on Wednesday, Nov. 20. 


First-year arrested for threatening to kill police 

Miami University first-year student Mark Moraski was arrested for threatening to kill police officers, rape their daughters and mothers, and skin their families alive, according to Butler County court records.  Miami University Police Department (MUPD) charged Moraski for retaliation, assault on a police officer, aggravated menacing, underage possession, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct on Nov. 17 at Dennison Hall.

The term 'public ivy' originated in 1985.

‘People think that it’s a weird thing to flex on:’ What does it mean to be a public ivy?

At Miami University, students see “public ivy” plastered around the campus — on water bottles, in the Shriver Center and even on posters in the bathroom. High school students see the term in the red and white Miami brochures that flood their mailboxes during recruiting season. “Public ivy” might be oddly enticing — but what does it mean? Does the meaning change once students are enrolled?

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