Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community


Nothing goes to waste: Rumpke's response to COVID-19 in Oxford

Driver and trash collector Jody Kieffer has gone to work at four in the morning and picked up the waste from both Miami students and Oxford residents for the past 20 years. In a normal year, most of the trash in Oxford comes from the various businesses lining the streets of uptown. This year is different.


MAP makes the most of virtual events

  At the beginning of each school year, Miami Activities & Programming (MAP) always welcomes students back to campus with a slew of exciting events. This year, however, the student-run organization had to take a different approach.  Between the COVID-19 pandemic and Miami choosing to start the semester totally online, MAP had to turn their movie nights, escape rooms and bake-offs into virtual events. 


Miami IT adapts to challenges of virtual learning

As Miami shifted online, each department faced unique problems stemming from the transition. Information Technology (IT) services were at the center of it all. Throughout a typical year, IT’s role is crucial, but as students moved away from campus, IT’s impact was even more important to Miami’s success online.  

As the pandemic surges on, Greek Life recruitment has been pushed to an all-virtual platform.

Miami Greeks under 10-day shelter-in-place order

In an email sent to all members of Miami University's Greek community on Aug. 29, the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Panhellenic Association detailed a new 10-day shelter-in-place order for all Greek Oxford residents as a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 


Unexpected shutdown: transferring to Miami due to COVID

 Imagine if, one day, the students of Miami University woke up to find an email from President Crawford saying that Miami would be closing after 211 years of being an active university. No more Miami classes. No more Miami professors. No more Miami organizations. No more Miami, period.    This is the fate that Urbana University, located in Urbana, Ohio, was met with this year. 


A dino-mite way to teach a class

Everyone knows that the first day of class is the most boring one.  You hear about the syllabus, attendance policies and when office hours are. But imagine logging onto Canvas and hitting play on your first video lecture to see your professor … in a dinosaur costume?

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