Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community


Empty rooms, full to-go boxes: Miami’s dining halls in 2020

  From the outside, Maple Street Commons looks just like it has in previous years.  One step inside the front door, however, and that notion is quickly dispelled.  In order to comply with COVID-19 protocols and ensure students stay safe when getting their grub, Miami’s dining halls look drastically different than they have in previous years. 

Despite the transition to being online, the marching band hasn't lost the pep in their step.

Marching on: the Miami University Marching Band goes virtual

The week before classes start each fall, around 250 students dot the football field at Yager Stadium, each on a specific mark. Practicing morning to night, they create a wall of sound that fills campus. Once school starts, they are the life of football games and beacons of school spirit.  This year, the stadium is silent. 


Pulling together for performance

Last March, musical theatre group Stage Left and improv comedy group Sketched Out accidentally scheduled their performances in the same room at the same time. The groups were able to work it out, but the incident showed how different performing arts groups were disconnected from one another.


Digging deeper into "Plant Your Roots"

  Online classes to online activities to online events.  With this being the life of a college student for the past six months, many were excited to branch out and do something outside of a computer screen. On Sept. 24, Miami Activities & Programming (MAP) hosted its first face-to-face event of the semester, “Plant Your Roots,” where free succulent plants were available for students to pick up near the Armstrong Student Center.

An assortment of fresh peppers are some of many produce options at the Oxford Farmers Market.

Sunny Saturday mornings at the market

 Farmers markets have a long history of providing fresh food, art and a center for communities to come together. The Oxford farmers market is no different, bringing the community together for decades, a tradition that has continued despite challenges faced during a pandemic. 


Lifting weights and staying safe: re-imagining the Rec

  As I walk up the long stretch of stairs to the Recreation Center (Rec), a staff member in a red t-shirt sprays and wipes the railings. Inside, there is caution tape where water fountains used to be.  Almost every machine is being used and students on benches stay inside a barrier of yellow tape. Some students walk to the next area with a rag and spray bottle in hand.  Surprisingly, it is not a complete ghost town.

For the past several presidential election cycles, Oxford has been a blue city surrounded by a sea of red.

Blue city, red county

Though Miami University carries a reputation of being relatively conservative, Oxford has been a small blue bubble in an overwhelmingly red county for the past several elections.


Miami Greek Life takes on digital sisterhood and brotherhood

  The usually full social calendars for the members of the Miami Greek community are virtually empty with pandemic safety precautions limiting gatherings of more than 10 people.  With coronavirus continually changing our social world as we know it, Miami Greeks are trying to find as much normalcy as they can during these unprecedented times. Instead of the normal mass gatherings for chapter, weekly chapter meetings are now conducted virtually through a screen. 

President Greg Crawford gave his annual State of the University address on Sept. 30 to give updates on topics spanning from COVID-19 to Sam Bachman being drafted by the Los Angeles Angels.

What does “the video” mean for Miami’s reputation?

These past two weeks have proven to be quite eventful for Miami University.  Underclassmen began to move into dorms Sept. 14, and simultaneously, the viral video of a police officer confronting a student having a house party while positive for COVID-19 made headlines from news sources ranging from TMZ to The Washington Post.

First time and experienced voters share similar concerns about the upcoming presidental election.

Oxford preparing for unprecedented election

In the face of a pandemic, the Butler County Board of Elections and local political organizations have both been working to allow Oxford residents to vote as safely and efficiently as possible this coming November. 


The High Street restaurant walk

To all the freshmen who just moved to campus: welcome.  Though it’s an odd semester for all of us, you’ve arrived at a nice time — basically missing the sticky, humid, end-of-summer sunshine — and instead greeting lower temperatures and the promise of fall foliage. 

Moving in can be stressful. Follow these tips to make the day go smoothly.

First year, first 24 hours

The whole family packed into the room, piling duffle bags and boxes onto the bed and the floor. Clanking noises from one particular bag, full of Kylie’s coffee mugs, echoed around the quiet hallway.

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