Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community


Journalism major adds curriculum changes

 The journalism program is undergoing two new changes according to an email sent to the Media, Journalism and Film (MJF) department from Senior Lecturer Patricia Gallagher Newberry, area coordinator for the journalism program.

Dean of Students Kimberly Moore started a podcast titled "We Need to Talk" to bring students with different backgrounds together this semester.

A podcast to bridge differences

 Hoping to spark conversation on dialogue across difference, Dean of Students Kimberly Moore started a podcast titled “We Need to Talk,” in collaboration with Miami University senior and Student Body Vice President Jessica von Zastrow. 


Students travel outside of Oxford to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

On March 29, Ohio extended eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine to all adults. But many Miami University students have gone to several different places hoping to get a vaccine of their own before the eligibility was extended.  Some students have traveled an hour or more outside of Oxford to get a vaccine where there was more availability or leftover doses.

Kosher meals delivered to Miami did not meet specifications outlined for kosher meals for Passover.

Kosher meals incorrect for Jewish students celebrating Passover

From March 24 to April 4, Miami University’s dining services provided kosher meals for Passover at select locations for Jewish students observing the holiday. Due to a mistake from the vendor that provided the meals, Miami’s Commons locations (dining halls) were not able to serve kosher for Passover meals.