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Campus & Community


Love. Honor. Pride: A safe space for LGBTQ+ students

LHP is an LLC “dedicated to creating a gender inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies during their residential experience at Miami,” according to the Residence Life page on gender-inclusive housing. Historically, the LLC has been housed in Stonebridge Hall on Western Campus. Next year, though, LHP will move to Dorsey Hall on East Quad.

Ian Fisher is president of the Multicultural Business Association (MBA), a member of the International Student Advisory Council (ISAC), a tutor and a full-time student. 

‘It's definitely an interesting opportunity being a minority student’: Finding belonging at a PWI

At Miami University, Ian Fisher is the president of the Multicultural Business Association (MBA), a member of the International Student Advisory Council (ISAC), a tutor and a full-time student. Before coming to Miami, Fisher talked with his parents about the long-term impacts of attending a predominantly white institution (PWI). They explained that he “may have a greater sense of camaraderie” with other Black students. So far, Fisher said his experience at Miami as a minority student has been average.

A memorial stands in honor of Arthur Miller, who led the Friends of Mississippi project, which supported the volunteers of Freedom Summer.

From objection to recollection: Miami’s relationship with Freedom Summer

Miami University bought the Western College for Women, now Miami’s Western campus, in 1974 — 10 years after the privately-owned college hosted the training of 800 college students from across the country on how to register Black voters before they headed to Mississippi. The question is, when a university buys a college, does it buy its history too? 

In 2021, Miami students held a candlelight vigil after shootings across the country targeted Asian Americans. In 2023, these shootings haven't stopped.

California shootings leave students shocked yet determined

Janna Maddox is a senior at Miami majoring in human capital management & leadership and entrepreneurship as well as the president of Miami’s Asian American Association (AAA). She said she was devastated by the Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay shootings, which targeted primarily Asian Americans and happened around a time of celebration for many Asian cultures.

This image was created by an AI art generator on Night Cafe using the prompt, "Picture for a news article about AI art."

AI in the World of Art

Artificial intelligence has been making waves across the nation. With its prominence in video games, application filters and script writing, AI is now trying to replicate pieces of art.

Food editor Ames Radwan has always been a messy eater!

Eating your own way

Everyone eats differently. That’s the whole point of eating — it’s like life itself. If everyone lived life the exact same way, it would be pretty boring, wouldn’t it? 

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