Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community

Seniors take photos around campus in preparation for graduation in a couple of weeks.

Four years later, Miami’s first class impacted by COVID-19 is ready to graduate

For many students at Miami University, it’s easy to recount the trials that came with the COVID-19 pandemic: physical distancing, masks and contact tracing. Usually students just beginning their college years associate the time with freedom, new friends and social experiences they’ll always remember. Unfortunately, for many current Miami seniors, their experience was not what they expected.

Scarlet and other service dogs with Paws for a Cause have a new place to play.

Park brings furry friends in service dog form

Mouth open, tongue out, Scarlet raced to catch the ball as it rolled in the grass. Once retrieved, she rushed back to her handler Taylor Neff who held out her hand with a smile. Neff tossed the ball again and off went Scarlet. Without a leash, she was free to run across the entire field.

Kinshuk Tella believes that to be a good leader, you need to be a good follower, something he has practiced throughout his four years at Miami.

From mentee to mentor: Kinshuk Tella’s reflection on his time at Miami University

Kinshuk Tella has done many things during his four years at Miami University. He is a double major in environmental science and geology, a resident assistant, a treasurer on the Students with Disabilities Advisory Council (SDAC) and more. He’ll walk away from Miami with not just his two bachelor's degrees, but his master’s in environmental science with a concentration in water resources as well.