Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community


Bridging relations between OPD and community

Oxford's police advisory board is pushing the Oxford Police Department (OPD) to record data for all stops officers make -- even those that don't result in citations or arrests -- in an effort to improve relations between law enforcement and the community.


Swing Syndicate: 'Back in the Swing of Things'

Students began to file out of last classes and dining halls, ready to head home. A lively event on Armstrong Terrace captured the attention of passersby. Old tunes, like "Sh-Boom," drifted over the lit terrace as pairs of students performed a variety of dances.


What happened in Clinton's 'What Happened'

After reading some reviews and criticism of Hillary Clinton's latest book, I was prepared to write a scathingly negative review of her literary recollection of the 2016 presidential election.


Slice of Life: Armstrong atmosphere

In typical Ohio weather fashion, the sky seems to be struggling to choose a mood. Raindrops indecisively drop from the clouds, dotting the stairs that lead to Armstrong, while the glowing rays of the sun make me regret my choice to don a sweatshirt.

Photo by Conor Moriarty, Graphic by Ryan Terhune

Data-driven: How the university uses your information

In 1956, Miami's 16th President, John D. Millett, suggested that Miami adopt a "selective admission policy" for the first time. Up to that point, all admission had been first-come, first-served. This was the first time Miami considered data from an applicant's high school record.

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