A chilling wind whips two solid red flags across the faces of the marchers. Adorned in rainbow flags, anti-hate t-shirts and stern faces, Tristin Leavitt and his allies band together in the annual Unity March.
A week and a half after Miami's Interfraternity Council (IFC) announced a sweeping social suspension due to hazing allegations, 12 chapters are now cleared to operate as usual.
Three of Miami's student leaders discussed dining issues and the university's approach to combating sexual assault, among other issues, at Monday's Associated Student Government (ASG) Presidential Debate.
A little over 40 years ago, Kip Alishio spent his days walking through Earlham College's campus, in Richmond, IN, listening to The Moody Blues, his favorite band.
Behind Miami University's Marcum Center are two greenhouses. Both look old and worn down. Grimy windows are covered with declarations of love and graffiti written in sloppy handwriting. Behind locked doors are empty flower trays -- the metal crates which used to hold green foliage are now home to spider webs and excess tools left behind.
Events to catch this week on Miami's campus and in Oxford
Decked in paper ribbons and filled with people in ornate robes of pink and gold, the Shriver Center Heritage Room was unrecognizably festive last Saturday. It played host to a celebration called Shinnenkai, which roughly translates to New Year's Party. The event was a collaboration by Miami's' Japanese Culture and Language Club, Taiko Drumming Club and Anime Club.
As a little girl, she wanted to be a cowboy. If not a cowboy, Tammy Kernodle wanted to become a teacher. In an old photo, a young Kernodle stands in front of an aluminum Christmas tree with her younger brother and her present, a chalkboard twice her size.
When they started working to establish a substance abuse outpatient center at Miami, Sherrie Kleinholz and Janae Arno were shocked at how much the process dragged.
After a series of back-and-forths and requests to table the discussion, Oxford's city council moved to pass a resolution allowing a six-month pilot bikeshare program with SPIN -- a San Franciso-based dockless bicycle sharing company.
Miami University students plan to add their voices in the upcoming demonstrations in response to the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. School walkouts and marches, organized by students across the nation, will peacefully for an end gun violence.
The fun the cast of "Bend, Tear, and Spindle" had in staging its performance was contagious as their obvious joy spread throughout Wilks Theatre on opening night.
The Miami University Board of Trustees has approved the extension of Miami's Tuition Promise to the Hamilton and Middletown campuses -- a move that will reportedly save students almost 8 percent on their tuition costs.
Students looking to help the university better understand the Miami community will have the opportunity to do so through the Miami Student Health Survey.
ASG unanimously passed a bill to lower laundry prices in the residence halls last Tuesday.
Miami University's Office of Ethics and Student Conflict Resolution (OESCR) is bringing in outside help to investigate reports of hazing in Miami fraternities.