Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Campus & Community


The last generation to hear stories from the living room

An Israeli tradition honoring Holocaust survivors has come to Miami University. First, second and third generation Holocaust survivors will be speaking across Miami's campus in commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day on April 12, 2018.


Middletown high schoolers punished for walkout

Students across the country participated in day of walkouts and protests earlier this month in support of the victims of the Parkland, Florida shooting. At nearby Madison High School in Middletown, 43 students who participated got detention.

Washington D.C. was the center for the "March for Our Lives" demonstrations across the nation on March 24.

Students "March for Our Lives" in D.C.

WASHINGTON -- Actions may speak louder than words, but silence can be deafening, whether it's the silence of the Republican Party on gun control or the silence of somewhere between 500,000 and 800,000 people in the streets of the nation's capital.


Students speak out against racism at Miami

Sparked by an incident that occurred on social media over spring break, nearly 70 students showed up in force at Armstrong Student Center Monday afternoon to protest racist attitudes and promote diversity at Miami.


Officials report decline in GBD activities

Miami University students celebrated Green Beer Day (GBD) this year, just as they have for over 65 years. Students were decked out in and consuming all things green on March 15 from sunrise to sunset. But, compared to last year, the festivities were tame.


Faculty to discuss religious beliefs in week-long event

They both stand in front of an amassed congregation, trying their best to impart what they believe to be vital information into the minds of people whose levels of interest in what they're saying vary greatly. There seems to be more than a few similarities between preachers and professors.


sex in college: 'A big fucking deal'

Even at the height of the #MeToo movement this past winter, it was difficult to talk about ambiguously consensual sex -- the kind that's technically consensual, but doesn't totally feel that way.


ORL announces new long-term goals for residence halls

The Office of Residence Life (ORL) has developed a new long-term plan for improvements in the residence halls that will gradually go into effect over the next three to five years. Many of the items listed are already being implemented, but the strategic plan outlines the office's goals in one document..


Oxford residents host vigil for Parkland victims

On Wednesday morning, over 1,000 miles away from Parkland, Florida, roughly 50 Oxford residents and Miami students gathered in Uptown Park for a vigil to mark the losses of 17 students killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last month.

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