Mock trial team wins national championship
By Ben Deeter | May 1, 2018For the first time in 17 years, Miami Mock Trial (MMT) won the national championship.
For the first time in 17 years, Miami Mock Trial (MMT) won the national championship.
On Thursday evening, English and creative writing majors packed into a small room in Bachelor Hall to listen to Jenny Rooney, editor of Forbes' Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Network. Rooney was the speaker at this year's annual Gutsche Lecture hosted by the English Department.
Miami students can now utilize a university-sponsored resource before signing leases for off-campus housing that cost thousands of dollars. Over the past year, local landlords have worked with Off-Campus Outreach and Communication (OCOC), a university office within Student Affairs, to better inform student renters of their legal and social obligations.
"Don't think," Lewis Magruder said to the line of a dozen cast members sitting at the edge of the stage, with their backs to the rows of seats that would be filled with audience members next week.
Miami students can now utilize a university-sponsored resource before signing leases for off-campus housing that cost thousands of dollars. Over the past year, local landlords have worked with Off-Campus Outreach and Communication (OCOC), a university office within Student Affairs, to better inform student renters of their legal and social obligations.
Following graduation weekend, Seaview Outfitters on High Street will be closing after seven years of service in the Uptown business district by Alaska-bound owner Steve Thomas.
A package of light brown cookies covered in sesame seeds sits on Vincent Palozzi's desk, and his mother Josephine's face is printed on the plastic label.
Stage Left's production of "First Date" was easy to fall in love with.
Coming home can be a very personal thing.
Every Monday night the Miami Television News team meets to discuss ideas, edit stories, film and aims to create high-quality content for the Oxford and Miami community.
Last Tuesday, a pro-choice display at Miami's Hamilton regional campus was stolen from campus grounds. This theft followed an act of vandalism from the previous week -- an anti-abortion display of crosses was destroyed by two students, both of whom were captured on film.
It's a chilly spring morning outside Miami's McGuffey Museum. A group of anthropology students make their way down Spring Street around 10 a.m. toward the former home of William Holmes McGuffey.
Miami administrators met with Black Action Movement (BAM) 2.0 leaders April 20 in second closed-door, Friday-morning meeting.
There was still about an hour of light left before the sun set on the weekend, so I grabbed Lilly's leash and led her to the dog park yet again. Now that I've stopped letting her off the leash on our walks, I've been making an effort to visit the park at least once or twice a day since it's the only remaining place she can run freely. I figured that, at this late hour, there would be few other dogs to distract her and we could practice playing fetch, an activity I'm happy to report she is starting to figure out. She's now at the point where she'll chase after the ball when I throw it; the second (and rather important) half of her game still needs some work.
It was a beautiful sort of chaos.
Miami University Associated Student Government (ASG) elected 7 new cabinet members in their meeting on April 17, rounding out their cabinet seats for 2018-2019.
NPR's Science Friday radio host Ira Flatow beamed as he took the stage of Miami University's Hall Auditorium on Saturday evening.
The City of Oxford has finalized and signed a contract for a bikeshare service that will be rolled out in the next few months.