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Spencer Mandzak and Patrick Houlihan argued that they should be on the student body president ballot following a miscommunication.

Student body president election back on following review

Following the announcement of Miami University’s new student body president, Patrick Houlihan and Spencer Mandzak are one step closer to returning to the ballot following a review of their application submission by Miami’s Associated Student Government’s (ASG) Judicial Council on Feb. 23.

Senate Speaker Tia Bakshi said multiple committees will review the signatures from this year's student body president nominees.

New student body president appointed without election

Will Brinley, a junior marketing major, and Babs Dwyer, a junior sports communication and media major, were announced as student body president-elect and student body vice president-elect respectively on Feb. 20. Brinley and Dwyer were announced before the March election date due to running uncontested.

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