Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


This image was created by an AI art generator on Night Cafe using the prompt, "Picture for a news article about AI art."

AI in the World of Art

Artificial intelligence has been making waves across the nation. With its prominence in video games, application filters and script writing, AI is now trying to replicate pieces of art.


Can the science be separated from the scientist?

“Can we separate the art from the artist?” This debate questions whether it is morally correct to consume an artist's work if they have been accused or found guilty of a hateful or otherwise wrong act. I am taking it in a different direction: can the science be separated from the scientist?


The Gathering at the Poet’s Shack

On the evening of Nov. 16, Bishop Woods and Upham Hall were lit with the spirit of creativity — and an impressive number of lights and projectors — for a celebration of art and collaboration across a multitude of departments at Miami.

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