Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

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Miami University awards Congressman John Lewis the first Freedom Summer of '64 award

(03/27/18 9:00am)

WASHINGTON--Around 100 Miami students, alumni and administrators milled about in room 2203 of the Rayburn House Office Building last Monday, March 19. Chatter filled the space as camera crews stationed themselves in front of an empty podium. Suddenly, the room fell silent as all eyes turned to the door.

Number of credits required for graduation reduced for next academic year

(04/25/17 9:00am)

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After Trump's immigration order, 27 MU students unsure of futures

(02/07/17 10:00am)

On Jan. 27, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning travel from seven Muslim-majority nations. As hundreds of people were detained in airports across the country in the first days of the order and thousands more protested the ban, 27 Miami students and a small population of Miami faculty wondered what this means for their futures.